There are few common denominators across successful and high-performing organizations in the supply chain business. Through quick research here are most of them.
Examples of practices found in high-performing organizations
1-End-to-end (E2E) coordination:
Integrative roles and E2E planning processes, for example:
Business process owners, eg, orchestrators of integrated business planning
E2E value-stream planners, eg, bridging highly- specialized functional verticals
E2E segment planners, eg, replacing traditional demand and supply planners
2-Performance metrics:
Consistent performance-management system across geographies and business units
Shared incentives for collaborative functions, eg, sales and supply chain
Quarterly reviews, with individual and team consequences as part of evaluations
3-Career mobility:
Fluid roles and assignments in the supply chain managed through the corporate HR team.
Cross-functional job rotations and mentorship programs
4-Decision rights:
Harmonized processes, with strict standards and segment-specific dierentiation as needed
Organizational simplification, with standard roles and job titles
IT-enabled workflows based on formalized process maps.
5-Social cohesion:
Team co-location, or Investment in periodic team events, knowledge-sharing, and related initiatives.
6-Capability growth:
Internal capability-development programs, linking learning to business initiatives.
I hope this helps, let me know your opinions about them!